Planning Board Meeting

Event Date: 
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 6:30pm

Microso Teams Meeting*

Join on your computer or mobile app

Or join by entering a meeting ID

Meeting ID: 260 396 157 872

Passcode: fsQ9zX


*If you have trouble accessing this meeting, call 603-448-9100 or email: for help. *Please note that the Town of Enfield, NH provides the Microsoft TEAMS virtual/web meeting access as a courtesy service only. As with many internet-based technologies, this service may experience interruptions, delays, outages and other malfunctions beyond our control. We make no guarantees for the virtual access options to work successfully. The only way for us to guarantee your ability to participate is for you to attend the meeting in person at the physical location listed on the agenda or meeting notice. Unless a state of emergency is declared by the Governor, the State of NH requires that all meetings be public and that there must be a quorum of board/committee members physically present for a meeting to commence.