Town of Enfield Project Updates

Maple Street Water Main Replacement:  L & M Construction from Orford, NH was awarded the project to replace the water main beginning at US Route 4 and ending at the Marsh Well field  in Canaan.  The project is scheduled to begin April 17, 2023.  The first work tasks being done are the interconnection with the main on US Rte. 4, a section of directional boring beginning at the May/Maple intersection and some vegetation removal.  Work will then proceed from US Rte. 4 up Maple Street to the Marsh Well field in Canaan.  There are detailed plan sets available for inspection at the Enfield Public Works Facility.  It is estimated that work will last 4-5 months.  Please direct questions regarding this project to the Public Works Director at the contact information below.


Oak Hill Road Bridge:  The Town finally received the necessary permits from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and the project is scheduled to begin in late May.  The bridge deck and steel are constructed and ready for installation.  During the project Oak Hill Road will be closed at the bridge location for three or four weeks while the old culvert is removed, concrete poured and cured, and the new deck and railings installed.