Important General Election Update – Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The November 3rd General Election is fast approaching.  There are a few things to remember.
Voting in Person
Voting in person will take place at the Enfield Community Building, 308 US Route 4, Enfield.  Poll hours are 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM.  You must be in line no later than 7:00 PM to be allowed to vote.
Voting by Absentee Ballot
If you’ve requested an absentee ballot and have received it, don’t forget to vote and return it to the Town Clerk.  Absentee ballots can be mailed, but be sure your ballot is counted by allowing sufficient time for it to arrive.  Absentee ballots can also be dropped off in person during regular office hours:  Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM or Tuesday 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM.  If you bring your voted absentee ballot to the Town Clerk’s Office it must be personally handed to the Town Clerk or the Deputy Town Clerk.  DO NOT leave it in the outside drop box.  
Town Clerk Open for Acceptance of Absentee Ballots November 3rd, but Closed for Regular Business 
Return of voted absentee ballots will be accepted by the Town Clerk on the day of voting – November 3rd from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.  The Town Clerk is open this day only for election purposes and will be closed for all other business.
Track Your Absentee Ballot
You can track your absentee ballot on the NH Secretary of State (SoS) website at  Please allow 24-48 hours for updates to appear on the SoS website after each step in the process.
Assistance in Voting; Disabled Voter
NH State Statute 659:20-a states,  “Any voter, after appearing at the polling place location prior to the closing of the polls to vote in person, who declares to the moderator under oath that said voter is unable to access a polling place due to disability shall, upon the voter’s request, have the required documents delivered to the voter outside the guardrail by the town or ward clerk or one of his or her assistants.”  COVID-19 qualifies as a reason to not want to enter a polling place.