

There are two types of Volunteers - Board, Commission or Committee members and Volunteers for events & projects. See more information on both types below.

Board, Commission or Committee Membership

If there's a vacancy on a Board, Commission or Committee or if you're an existing member and your term is expiring and you would like to serve, complete the 
Application for Committee/Board Membership / Reappointment.  Once you've completed the form, click Submit.  Your application will be automatically directed to office staff who will have it presented to the appointing authority for consideration.

Once appointed or elected to a Board , Commission or Committee come back to this page and read the on-boarding materials to learn about your responsibilities as a member and to read relevant information.

Position Available
Vacant Term Expires
Capital Improvement Program Committee 2027
Conservation Commission 2027
Energy Committee 2027
Mascoma Lakeside Park Committee Various
Old Homes Days Committee Various
Recreation Commission 2026, 2027
Enfield Shaker Village Scenic Byway Advisory Board (Regional Committee)  
Volunteer for Events & Projects

From time to time the Town will have projects for which individuals may volunteer their time.  It could be for trail work, Old Home Days events, or other municipal projects. Volunteer forms are required for volunteers who are not current appointed members of a Town board, committee or commission or requesting appointment to a board or committee (see Application for Committee/Board Membership above). 

  • Individuals who will be volunteering on a long-term basis, trail work spring through fall, for instance, must complete the Volunteer Service Statement and Agreement.  Both forms must be completed before volunteer service begins and both forms must be submitted to the Town Manager's Office.  
  • Individuals volunteering for a single day volunteer event must sign in at the check in location for the event.  In the event of a two-day event, for instance Saturday & Sunday over the same weekend, a separate sign in form should be used for each day.  The Supervisor of the Volunteer Event will provide the form at the sign up location and must sign all completed pages and submit the form(s) to the Town Manager's Office as soon as possible following the volunteer event.
  • Youth volunteers (under the age of 18) must have a Parental Consent Form completed by their parent or legal guardian.  Youth volunteers must also sign in for single day volunteer events.