5) Time Line

Key to engaging more residents in shaping of Enfield’s future will be increased communications and dialogue. The town has already redesigned Enfield’s website, launched a new newsletter, listserv, and articles in local papers. Over the coming months, more opportunities will be created for ongoing dialogue.

Here is a proposed time line for adopting the strategic governance process:

March 2018 – Obtain broad voter support for adopting strategic governance at the municipal level. Hire the Center for Strategic Governance to work with Enfield on this initiative.

April – September 2018 – Work with the eight operating departments to create proposed five-year strategic plans (2019-2023) and present them publicly at joint meetings of the Town Manager, Select Board, and Budget Committee to:

  • Provide a clear, detailed sense of what it takes to operate municipal government,
  • Move towards data-driven decision making,
  • Identify resources that might be available for other strategic initiatives,
  • Create a basis for prioritizing goals and related investments over time.

October – November 2018 – Town Manager, Select Board, and Budget Committee:

  • Assess the state-of-the town using factors that shape the overall quality of life in Enfield,
  • Launch a strategic governance website to begin engaging residents in the process.
  • Develop a financial tradeoff tool that enables officials to explore many “what-if” scenarios regarding budgets over the next five years.
  • Develop a draft 2019 operating budget that incorporates the strategic initiatives identified in the various department strategic plans.
  • Preparation/completion of supplemental studies (i.e., Municipal Facilities Optimization Study, Water/Wastewater Asset Management Plans).
  • Begin outreach and engagement with Enfield residents.

December 2018 – February 2019

  • Use findings of supplemental studies to inform development of 6-year capital improvement plan (CIP)
  • Ongoing dialogue with residents about projected needs, priorities, and long-term tradeoffs.

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