Advertise with Us!

Help Support our 2020 Municipal Calendar with your Enfield Business Advertisement!  Calendars are mailed to all postal patrons with a zip code of 03748 or 03749, so your low cost ad will be seen by a large portion of the Enfield community!  And your advertising dollars save taxpayer dollars!

We are offering advertising space in our 2020 Municipal Calendar for Enfield businesses and organizations. Either two small business card size ads (2” x 3-1/2”), or a single double-sized ad, will be available for each month of the year. A 10% discounted rate will apply if you purchase two or more ad spaces. We also have 6 spaces at the back of the calendar (next to last page) that will be sold at a reduced rate.

Rate Info:

• $100 for each 2”x 3-1/2” advertisement within a given month. Placement in a particular month is available upon request on a first come first served basis.

• $50 for each 2”x 3-1/2” advertisement at the back of the calendar.

A 10% discount is offered for the purchase of two or more ad spaces.

• Two ad spaces can be purchased in the same month for a single double-sized ad. A double-sized ad qualifies for the 10% discount. This is just $180 per double-sized ad with the discount applied.

Provide your prepared ad with your logo, or we can simply scan your business card, or we can work together to come up with something in between! Ads must be paid in full and submitted for inclusion in the calendar no later than Thursday, September 26th. Contact Alisa Bonnette, Assistant Town Manager, for more information at 442-5401 or abonnette@enfield.nh.us. If you’d like someone to stop by to show you an example of our calendar and discuss your options just let us know!   

We will sell advertising space on a first come, first served basis.  Beginning September 1st we’ll have someone visiting local businesses, so if you want to be sure to get your advertisement seen by the majority of the Enfield community -- don’t hesitate!

September 23rd through September 27th, if all advertising slots aren’t sold, we’ll open up the opportunity to buy ad space to local businesses in neighboring communities.

The Town reserves the right to decline any advertisements deemed to be inappropriate or offensive for a mixed audience. The Town of Enfield is an equal opportunity employer and provider.