Warrant Article Petition Form (Fillable PDF)

Petitioned Warrant Article Form - Fillable PDF

This fillable form can be used to create petitions for Town Meeting warrant articles.  If the form doesn’t provide you with sufficient space, you can use this form as a guideline when developing your own petition.  We suggest you obtain more than the required 25 signatures in case one or more cannot be verified.

We’re here to help!  If you would like assistance in drafting your petitioned warrant article, we will assist you with the wording to be sure it accomplishes what you set out to do.  There may be State requirements for specific wording, or wording required to make it a legally binding article. 

Once you have the requisite number of signatures, please complete the submission information at the bottom of the form and submit your petitioned warrant article to the Town Clerk for signature verification.  The Town Clerk will then be sure your petition is delivered to the appropriate board.

Deadlines vary depending on whether it’s a petition to adopt or amend a zoning ordinance, historic district ordinance or building code [RSA 675:4] or a petition to the Select Board to include an article on the warrant relative to other matters [RSA 39:3]. 

Staff Contacts
Feel free to reach out to us for assistance!